The Chuvash history
by Shoora Shooroomboos (Shoormboos)
short version

(Alexander Zaryanin)

Chuvashes are a descendants of Volga Bulgarians (Bulghars).

Bulgaria (of the Volga), the state existed in the middle ages from the 8th century A.C. at the mouth of the Volga and Kama rivers. This country was known for its developed trade, handicrafts, and agriculture. Bulgars (Bolghars) supplied furs and leather goods to the Middle East of Asia, to the Byzantine and Europe. The Bulgars produced a lot of grain.
Bulgaria of Volga is described in many sources, mainly Arabic and old Russian, and other.

The epitaphs on the Bulgar's tombstones, that have survived, are written in Arabic letters, but in a language very similar to Chuvash.
Chuvash people by language are direct descendants of the Volga Bulgarians.

Tatars, their own devastating invasion 13-15th ages, had compelled the much a Volga Bulgarians search for salvation on right side of Volga River (bulgarian: Atil, Atel).
Here Bulgars to assimilate the aborigine Cheremises tribes (Mari). Thereby from Bulgar of Volga was formed the modern nation - a Chuvash.

Tatars are usual turkic, they are descendant of medieval state the Golden Horde.
Golden Horde, the part of Mongolian Empire by created Chingizkhan.
Volga Bulgars named by ethnic name 'tatar' the all nomadic tribes on territory of the modern Mongolia and northern China.

At the end of the 14th age Timur (Tamerlane), the known conqueror from Middle Asia, have invaded the Golden Horde. His forces ravaged many cities of the Golden Horde and weakened the might of Horde.
Timur has totally destroyed the cities and villages of Volga Bulghars on the left side of the rivers a Kama and Volga (by the flow). This territory has become a sparsely populated area - the Wild Field. The Timur's army have captured about half of a million of Bulgarians populations.
The survivors of Bulghars escaped on right side of the Volga and Kama. They joined to their relatives who were already there earlier. Bulghars on the right side of Volga were identified - a Chuvash.

Battle in the steppe in winter

In medium 14th age, the Golden Horde has done the islamic an official religion. Everything Tatarian was hostile for Chuvashes. The Chuvashes refused from Islam and having returned to its ancient traditional faith. Volga Bulgars, which remained faithfull Islam, have taken the state language of the Golden Horde - Tatar, and soon definitively become a Tatar - was assimilated.

Exodus of Bulghars

Khanate of the Kazan

In 15th age the Golden Horde has disintegrated on several sovereign (separate) parts - khanates. The much of Tatars come to former territory of Volga Bulgar. Here arised a Kazan Khanate with state center at Kazan - Bulgarian town, a castle.
Chuvashian Bulgars have thinked that Khanate of Kazan will become as the new Bulgar, and had became an ally of Kazan of own accord.
Chuvashes defended Kazan from Russian Tsardom. Russian tsars often time were hit upon Kazan. Chuvashes with union of Cheremises destroyed supplies with reinforcement and foods for Russian troops, and sink the Russian naves that sailed on Volga to Russian army assaulted many times upon Kazan. Russians always happened to remove the siege and return back empty-handed.

At the beginning of 16th age control on Kazan have seized the cruel Islamic dynasty of Crimean Tatar - Ghirey. Under power of Ghireys for Chuvash happened is difficult.
Chuvashia (Ghornaya Storona, the Mounts (Hills) Side) was shown the most rich province of Kazan Khanate. The taxes of Ghireys became more high.

The Chuvashes didn't withstanding oppressive a new powers of Kazan and ceased to help Kazan Khanate. Chuvashes became allies of the Russians. Soon Kazan Khanate lost supports of Chuvash was conquered by Russian Tsardom of tsar Ivan IV (Ivan Awesome).
Thenceforward, the Chuvashes were included in Russian Empire.

Again Chuvashes settled the territories of the former Bulgaria. But they were all the times there.

Ivan IV conquers a Kazan

Soon the Russian rulers forgot their promises to the Chuvash. At beginning of 17th с. in Russia the Ryurikovich's dynasty was changed Romanov family. The Russian tsarist governments of Romanov dynasty had forgotten merits of Chuvashes and had put forward against Chuvashes the many much economic and political sanctions. Was forbidden to Chuvashs the concern in craft production and fabrication of weapons. Chuvashia changed to solely agrarian province and was divided between different regions (gubernia) in Russian Empire.

Russian Orthodox Church oppressively christianized Chuvashes. Chuvashes participated in all riots and rebellions in history of the Russian Empire.
Many Chuvashes, who forgot traditional religion and didn't trusted to Russian priests, have become the atheists. Although, much of Chuvashes didn't forgot their traditional culture and faith.

Bulghars (Bulgarians)

On mouth of Volga and Kama ancestor of the Chuvashes (Volga Bulghars) coming from territories beside Black Sea and steppes of the Don river.
In these territories between Volga river and Black Sea in 7th century existed the nomadic state the Great Bulghar.

Bulghars were the splinter of Huns Empire - of barbarian emperor Attila.

After death of Attila the Huns divided into many tribes with ending in their names on "oghur" or "ghur": Hunoghurs, Saroghurs, Utioghurs, Kutrioghurs etc; also with ending on "ar" or "ir": Savirs (Suvars), Khazars, Avars, and Magyars (Madiars), and so on.

Тhe names of the Oghuric tribes can be translated from Chuvash:
The ending the Oghurs names in "oghur" or "ghur" mean from Chuvash word "woghor" - a bull, oxen; and meaning as - the Hun, or tribe (genus, clan)
- Uturghurs (Utrigur, Utigurs) - from "ut" - to go, walking; "ur" - a leg; then in meaning: the leading leg of the bull, or bull's front leg - the advance-guard
- Kuturghurs (Kutrigur, Kutigurs) - from "Kut" - the ass, rear; "ur" - a leg; then in meaning: the rear leg (hind leg) of the bull - the rear-guard
- Saragurs (Shoraghur) - from "shora" - an white, in meaning - white bulls, White Huns.
- Onoghurs (Hunoghur, Vunogur, Vunnuhundur(gur)) - from "won" (un, on) - a ten, in meaning - the ten bulls (tribes).
- Ultsingurs - from "ult" (ulty) - a six, and "sin" - a man, in meaning - the six mans of Huns (bulls).
And others in the same...

In medium 6th age steppe East Europe were occupied by Turkic Khaganate. The descendants of the Attila from gender (clan) Doulu (Toulu, Tula) organized alliance of the resistance against the Turkic - the Oghur.
Turkes withstanding to Oghur were identified as the Oghuz. Acted system of the keywords indicating friend or foe, contraposition of Hunnish "r" - oghur, to Turkic "z" (or "s" or sometimes "d") - the oghuz (and else Hunnish "l" to turkic "sh").
Chuvashes, the only surviving descendants of the Oghurs and Huns.

Oghurs of the Doulu defeated and disunited the Turkic Khaghanate. Turkes renounced faithfulness (allegiance) to its chieftains from Ashina dinasty.
Ashina's, the originally old Hunnish dynasty, have found the refuge beside remained faithful by him the Khazars.

The chieftain of Oghurs, a khan Organ Doulo (the Siberian-Khan), has displaced the Oghuz-Turkic to the east from a lake Balkhash. He beside around of Aral Sea created a richest province Organza (Urgench), known later as Hwarezm.

Map of Oghurs (Doulu) Union 570-620ths

army of Huns Oghurs

Hun-Oghur the Bulghar

The nephew of Organ by name Kubrat Doulo possessed of the main part of Oghurs, he created in steppe beside Black Sea the state of the Bulghars (Bulgaria).

Related ethnoses Khazars and Bulghars became the most cruel enemies.

After death of the Bulgars ruler the khan Kubrat, his sons have separated the tribes between himself. Saved the names of three his sons: Bitboyan (Boyan), Kotraq, Asparuh.
Khazars used the weakening of Bulghars and have conquered their territory.

Khan Kubrat and his sons

The defeated Bulghars dispersed on different sides. A part of Bulghars left in Central Europe. The other part by khan Asparuh (junior son of Kubrat) have moved to Danube riverside. Here Bulghars was mixed with a slavs and founded modern Bulgaria. Remained Bulgarians were got under the power of Khazars.

The most part of Bulghars gradually advanced to mouths of the rivers Volga and Kama (by khan Kotraq). These Bulghars founded Bulgaria of Volga. Volga Bulgaria initially depended by Khazars.

Bulghar's or Khazar's attack


The some of descendants of the Huns are Khazars created on occupied lands a new Empire the Khazarian Khaghanate (Khaghanlykh). Khazars had conquered much slavonic and finnish tribes which paid tribute to them.

Khazaria developed as transit trade state for east goods, through Bysanty in Europe, and through Caucasus in Front Asia. The basic businesses of Khazars either as Bulghars was a nomadic stock-breeding. The cities of Khazars, beside Caucasus mountains and in delta of Volga, were as their bases for cool winter period. They consisted basically of temporary nomad's tents - jurt (cюрт). During summer season Khazar's "cities" lefted with their places and going to migrations.

From decaying of Bulghars, the influence of the dynasty Doulou in Siberia came to weaken too. The Oguz turks have occupied the territory beside Aral before Caspian sea.

Magyars (Hungaries)

After leaving Savirs (Sabirs) from Siberia (begining 6th age), here remained else much Huns. The Huns in Siberia having different finns-lapoids tribes which related a modern Khants and Mansies. Even after Avars in the enormous space of Siberian steppe was living many nomadic tribes.

The Huns mired them to nomadic lifestyle.
Here Huns having formed the potentate caste of tribes, and they have adopted the language of local finn-lappids population. The Huns who remained in Siberia named itself - Madiar (Magyar).

In 60-70th years of 6 age Magyars was fall into turkic power. Magyars in fight with conquerors have verged to Oghur alliance under governing the clan Doulou. From name Oghur, Magyars and populations of Siberia often referred to as "ughr" (yugra) or "voghul" - from chuvash: woghor - a bull, ox.
After destruction the Great Bulgharia by Khazars in East Europe, clan of the Doulou became to lose their own positions. The Oguz turks have occupied the territory beside Aral before Kaspian sea.

Turks in change from Huns were not assimilated with won ethnos, in other the conquered peoples took the turkic speech. In total happen east part of Magyars had become a Turkic.
These tribes were identified "Kuman" - a hermmits, from turkic "kum" - a desert. Other their name was - Qypsyaq (Kypchak), and the first of Uigurs were got from Magyars.

Oghuzs have displaced from Central Asia remainder Hephthalites - Kunghars, desert Oghurs, the White Huns. The name of this nomades known as a Bagganak, or Pecheneq.

Magyars displaced out of all sides did request the shelter beside Khazars.
The population of Khazarian Khaghanat is very reduced out after wars with Arabic Сaliphate lasted with mediums 7th age until 40th years 8th. The faithfull allies of Khazars the Savirs (Sabirs) was left to Volga Bulghars.
Khazars had let to Magyars and placed them in steppe beside Black Sea, on territory previously pertaining to Bulghars. For Kazars was needs the power capable to withstand Alans and Slavs who becomed more stronges. Here Magyars tried named to himself of the names of earlier famous Bulgharian tribes sounding as: Hunugur, Vunugur or Honogur. From these version of ethnic names have occurred their modern names such as: used of west Europe - Hungary, or Russian - Vengr.

At medium 8th century Bulghars (from Danube) in alliance with Franks of the king Charles of Great smashed the Avars in Pannonies. In the tag end of 9th age the Khazars had let come in own territory a Pecheneqs (Kounghars).
Magyars happened to search for the new lands. Magyars (Hungaries) moved in former lands of Avars - Pannonia.

wars of the Khazars and Arabs

The first clashes Khazars with Arabs happened when else existed the Great Bulgharia. Before the end of 7th age to Khazars managed to hold Trans-Сaucasus territories against Arabians. Gradually Arabs was able to take the initiative.The Arab's armies was exceed the power of Khazars, their number of warriors got to more then 150 thousand. The number of the Khazarian troopses fluctuated in 30 - 40 thousands warriors.
At this times the Khazar's rulers were are woman a khanama Parsbit (Tiger Face) and her grandson Parsjyl (Barsil). Parsjyl were are commander of Khazar's army.

In 30th years 8th age the commander of Arab's army Marwan II, the conqueror of Caucasus, with 150 thousandth army going to much far in holdings of Khazar Khaghanat until the lands of Bourtases. Bourtases - supposedly consisted of mordvian tribes. The Arabs have built pontoon from logs of Bourtas'es houses and crossing through Volga. Khazarian army reposed on the other side of the Volga. Khazars did not expect the possibility of the crossing through broad river of enormous arabic troops. Khazarian army was surrounded by Arabians and smashed. However, the Arabs leaved from Khazaria and more was not returned in Khazar Khaghanat. However, the Arabs have left Khazaria and more was not returned in East Europe. But from that time, the islam became more popular in the Сaucasus and Volga regions.

Most damaged from a devastating wars with Arabs, the territories of Huns the Savirs and Barsils in Caucasus, for winter season. In result the main part of Huns was leaved to north, to the land of Volga Bulghars. Later the Savirs founded on coast of the Volga the city Suvar.

faith of Moses

The Khazars confirming that they nor in than did not depend on Arabs, the hosted a jew refugees from Palestine occupied by Arabs. The regal dynasty Ashina had taken the faith of Moses.

Existed a Khazarian legend about their ten first ancestors which considered of the descendant biblical Togarmah are grandson of Jafet. By Khazarian bibles, Khazars were only seventh of the sons Togarmah. This was else a legend of Hunnu (Xiongnu) the ancestors of Huns. Word "hunnu" Itself meant - a ten, Chuvashian variant "wunnu" is same meaning.

By legends of Khazars, the most honourable were a descendants of the most younger Togarmah's son - the Savirs (Sawars). By nomadic traditions, the senior sons one for other leaved the parental migration lands and creating their own. The paternal manor was got the most younger of them.
The direct descendants of Savirs - a Chuvashes. Savir the tenth son of Thogarmah - or Tughar, by Khazarian Bible.

Thogarmah star
the Tughar (Thogarmah) Star

Red - Oghur star
Blue - Oghuz star

Madonna of Altai (paint. by Shooroomboos)

By legends of the Altai Turks, they are descendants of mother the wolf and Hunnish Prince. This Prince was is from the lands located far to the west of the Altai. There his family was destroyed enemies. From him became pregnant wolf and has given birth to ten sons in a cave. The ten sons of the wolf and the Hunnish Prince grew up and from them originated the Turkic people. Perhaps the name of this Prince was Asen (Ashina).

Declining of the Khazarian Khaqanlyh

Subsequent to Magyars, the Pechenegs (Kounghars) were asked to entry in the Khazars possessions. Oghuzs and Kumans (Polovets, Kypchak) pressed (displaced) of Pechenegs from orient, out of Siberia. Khazaria became the passable corridor to Europe.

In 10th age, the Scandinavian chieftains united the tribes of East Slavs and created the large state - Rus', the ancestor of western Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The city Kiev became a capital of Rus'.

At the beginning 10th age a Suvars, resided in Volga Bulgaria, divided into two tribes. Askils - their headed the old gender - an As, were faithfull to khan moslem of the Volga Bulgaria. They were located on right side of the Volga, having founded there town Asjal.

The much of Suvars didn't support the longing to Islam in government. Suvars else remembered the invasions of Arabs, who ravaged their former territory beside Caucasian mountains. Suvars invited its ruler from Scandinavians, who is named - Vyryg, from Varyag (Variagian, varanger). At this timeses, the Scandinavians (vikings) were a most popular in Europe.

In medium of 10th age, the militant ruler of the Rus' by name Svyatoslav did attack to the Khazars. Russians have destroyed Khazarian cities and very weakened their power. Russians started to check the territories beside fortress Shurkel (White House) on river of Don and region with city Tumen-Tarkhan (Thamatarkhas) beside Kuban river. After Svyatoslav who death from Pechenegs, the title of grand knyaz (prince) of Rus' has geted his son Vladimir. He tried to crashed by finally the Khazars, during their last khaqan by name Kain, but Bulghars of Volga took a Khazars under to the protection. Bulghars taked for controling the territories on riverbed of Volga.

The last khaqan of Khazars there was are by name Kain (Cain - by Jewish name as all Khazarian rulers), known in Russian legends as Kalin Tsar, in XI c.

The battle of the varyags (vikings) of grand prince Svyatoslav against a Khazars

The supporting bases of Bulghars were situated on Volga, the former cities of Khazars, such as: Sembir, Samar, Sharatu, Sarysin. In the field of delta of the Volga, by change to the ravaged a capital city of Khazar Khanate - the Atil, Bulghars have created the new fortress the As-Tarkhan, that by Chuvash - a Senior Lord, but possible is meant as - the from dynasty As (As-Kel), the old Sabir's (Suvars) rulers. The people of As were ruled in cities beside mouth of the rivers, on Don river it is the As-Kardy (Asgard) - by Chuvashian: a Fortress of As, on place of the ancient Thanais (Tan-As, the As of Don river (chuv: Tan)).

To the 11th age the Kumans increased of the power in the steppe of Siberia. They begined to displace of the Oghuzs from Central Asia. The Kumans were avoid by side the fortifications of Volga Bulghars and invaded to the lands of the ravaged Khazars. Kumans finished the defeat of the Khazars.

The large part of Khazar-judes, subsequent to Magyars, begun to migrated to the countries of the East Europe, where went the development the trades and crafts. Many of Khazars filled the Volga Bulgaria and lands of Bourtases. Were began the exodus of Khazarians, as previously mass exodus of the Jews from Palestine occupied by Arabs.

Khazars of the Shurkel begun russified, from them are derived Cossacks of Don. The Rus' has lost the principality of Tmutarakan (Tuman-Tarkhan) by blows of the Kumans and defected to them Khazars - Kasogs (the Cossacks). The russified Khazars departed to border of steppe beside Rus'. Here they gave rise to the Russian and Ukrainian Cossacks.

Volga Bulghars restored and developed the safe trade on Volga river due to supporting bases and agreements with nomades. Against current, upward of river, the naves and rafts draged along coast by means of oxes, horses, and also by power of the peoples are slaves - burlaks (by old chuvash: "berlyk" - the total force). The main of goods for Rus' was is a salt from Caspian seasides, by Chuvash: tovar. To the Oriental and Front Asia was transported mainly: furs and skins, and also fabrics from flax. In north lands was finding the tusks of the mammoths and gigantic woolly rhinoceroses. From them was produced the carving utensils, and by them scared foreigners. Also there was existed the navigation on Don river before the fortress As (Azov, Thanais), and hereinafter to the Crimea and Bisantian Empire. The goods from Volga through town Sarasin (Tsaritsyn, Volgograd) were carried on ground to the Don.

By the basis of the ancient maps of medieval cartographers on the territory of the Volga Bulgaria was located - the Amazonia, a country of amazons. Chaterma city - was a centre of the amazons country on the Volga.
Amazonia on the Volga >>

Bulghars living earlier in the tents - an jurt. At later, they used to build houses of the logs. And fortresses Bulghars made from wooden. In frames of logs they poured soil, mixture with a clay, and were rammed it.
During the assaulting of their fortresses, even if the wooden logs burned the rammed embankments continued to protect the fortress of Bulghars. And for the defense of the embankment were installed defensive shields.

Construction of the Bulghars fortresses

the structure of Bulghar's fortifications

The land of Ulp (paint. by Shooroomboos)

The giant Ulp - Chuvash's main epic hero. Historical prototype are Alp Ilutuer (Elteber) was a Baptist of Caucasian Huns - Savirs (Sabirs, Suars), in end of 7th age, and known as Alp Eletmish the warlord of East Turks (Orkhon) in begin of 8th century. Alp was originally from the Askil dynasty of the Suvars.
Moreover, it is quite likely that Alp himself could have been the creator of the Second Turkic Khaganate (Empire) known as: The Khaganate of the Gok-Turks - the Blue Turks.
He could have been known by the title Ilterish-qagan (Elteres). Then the emperor Alp is the father of a Great Turkic hero, a prince named Kul-tegin. Prince was powerful like his great father.

Chuvash God Asladi
Chuvash bator Ulp & Gods As-turri

Huns (Hunnu)

The Empire of Xiongnu in the centre and in the east of Asia was created by chanyu Modu (or Madar). He was senior but isn't the most loved son of chanyu by name Tumen (chuv.: Chemen, Temen). The Modu (Madar) founded its obedient guard - Magyars (Madiars), by himself name. Modu killed (diposed) of his enemies by means of its guard and became the chanyu. Modu conquered the nearby tribes and waged war against chinese empire a Khan, he has increased the territory of Xiongnu in much times greater.
The China tried be fenced from militant Xiongnu by enormous wall.

attack of Xiongnu (Hunnu) warriors

The Huns, as later Turks and Khazars, have considered themself a descendants of ten sons of their initial ancestor. The possible name of their ancestor was a Toghar (or Tughar). Probably that ancestors of the Xiongnu were are Altaic tribes of Andronovo culture, from valley of Taghar (Tagar archeological culture), Pazyryk and Minusinsk Hollow .
The Chuvash language - the descendant of the language Xiongnu. The Chuvash numeral word "wunnu" or "wun" (vungnu) - a ten, it is a variant of ethnic names: Xiongnu (Hunnu), Huns.

Archaeological cultures called Andronovo could experience a certain influence of migrants from Sumer, after the occupation of the territory between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates (Mesopotamia) by Amorits and Akkadians.
The name Sumer remained in the name of the Cimmerian tribes - Gomers. Self-name of the Sumerians - Kiemegir - Kimer (native country language).
Sumerians could have founded ancient towns in the Southern Urals now called - Arkaim. Possible territories of settlement the descendants of Gomer, son of Japhet, according to the Torah of Moses (Bible): Riphathes - in the Southern Urals (the Riphean mountains); by west of them Ashkenazi (Ashkuz, Askiz) - the Scythians; by east of the Urals the territory of Togarmahs (Tocharians, Tokhars), which gave rise to the Altai genus - Hu (Hunnu).

Sumer, Aryan
open the map🔎

Descendants of Modu is losted his might. The internecine wars began in Empire of Xiongnu. Xiongnu divided into a north and south partes. The North Xiongnu - a Royal Xiongnu, remained the faithfull for chanyu gender.

Chineses used the strife among Xiongnu. At the end of 2nd century, the Chineses in alliance with rebelled tribes (and Xianbei) have displaced North Xiongnu from Altai to the modern West Siberia. The North Xiongnu have leaved on riverbed yard Irtysh to falling the river Tobol into Irtysh.

Xiongnu rose upwards of the river Tobol and on riverside Toura (chuv.: god's), this not far from its sink into Tobol, created forced settling for winter and named this the Tumen, by name of first chanyu.
Xiongnu, forcing in West Siberia (modern), have conquered here tribes of the Finn-Uralic type, and has rendered the appreciable influence for the whole finnish type world in later.

The name of them (self-name) - a Finns (Finnu, Fingnu), derives by Hunnic ethno-names: hunnu (Xiongnu); and chuvash - vunnu (vungnu). This result of the Huns conquests epoch of the north regions of West Siberia, also East Europe and Scandinavia, remained in history is unknown.

Xiongnu moved to steppe of modern Kazakhstan here they conquered and joined to themself the tribes of Saces (east Scythians). Commencing thence we their shall name the Huns.
With the 4th age the increased Huns have begun the known their march in territory of the Europe. The invasion of Huns has provoked the essential changes for ethnic geographies of the Europe, which named as - an Epoch of the Great Transmigration of Folks.

attack of Huns

During the ruler of Huns whose name titled as Attila, "Barbarian" Empire of Huns spreaded from Rhine in west to the Irtysh in the east; from the lands of Lapps (saams) in north to the Aral sea and mountains of Caucasus in the south. Attila founded the great dynasty of nomadic Empire - the Doulo (Doulu, Dulu, Tulu).
The name Attila is a Chuvash's name, from Chuvash "atte" - a father; and "attila" - paternal, fatherly.

The Huns have conquered much tribes: Sarmatians, Scythians, Uralians, Lappids, Goths, Germanians. Many of them assimilated by Huns.
One of this tribes an Acatziri (Akatzirs) derived from Scythian an Agathyrsi. Acatzirs have raised rebellion against Attila. Attila has smashed their having delivered above them his senior son - Ellac.
From ruling dynasty of Acatzirs has survived only young prince (shad) - Asen Shad, or Ashina. He has escaped first to China, but has not got there supports. Asen has found the refuge on Altai, with the kagan (emperor) of the Rourans (Avars). Here Asen received a new tribe which became known as Turks. Later descendants of Asen Shad - an Ashina, having won Avars (Rourans) and created their Empire - the Turkic Khaganat (Khaganlyq).
The Avars to be escaped to the west.

Figure of Attila at the museum in Hungary (Magyaria)

the Huns (Hunnu)

1,2 - the Huns (Hunnu); 3,5,8 - Scythians; 4,6,7,9 - Sarmats

The Huns invasion to the Italy - 452 AC (after the Shalon Battle)
(painting by Upiano Checa)

After death of Attila, the internecine strifes began in Empire of Huns amongst multiple ethnoses.
The younger son of Attila - the Irnak (Irna, Irnik), lefted away their own people from the worrisome Central Europe to the Black Sea. Here subsequently they have named - Bulghars (Bulgars).

Well, then you know what happened later...

The modern peaceful nation Chuvash - a legal successors of the culture, language and histories of all ancient nomads of the Asia and Europe. Because by forming of Huns entered many ethnoses, such as: Scythians, Sarmats, and Saces with Massagets, Finns and many other.
Chuvash language include much words from many languages of the Eurasian continent, from Chinese and Mongolian, also Greek and Armenian, from Iranian and Arabian, and even from Eskimo.

The Genealogy of Chuvashs

Altaic language family

The Great Emperors (and Kings) of Chuvash:

Tumen Hu (Touman) 250 BC, Modu Hu 200 BC; Balymer Wu 400 AC; Asen As (Ashina) 470 AC; Attila Doulo (Avalhi Atil (Avitohol, the Ancient Atil)) 454 AC; Hernac Doulo (Ernak, Irnah, son of Attila) 500 AC; Boyarex As (Boarix, woman Savir) 550 AC; brothers Bumyn and Istemi Ashina (Turks) 570 AC; Organ Doulo (OghurKhan, Siberian-Khan) 630 AC; Koubrat Doulo 650 AC; Alp As (Ilitver of Savirs & Elteres-kagan of Gokturks) 700 AC; Parsbit Ashina (woman Khazar, Alp's daughter) 730 AC; Pulan Sabir-el (beq (lord) of Khazar, Jewish) 740 AC; Almosh Doulo (Bulghar & Magyar) 930 AC; Arpad Doulo (Magyar, Almosh's son) 910 AC; Varyag Ruriks (Suvar & Viking) 940 AC; Kain Ashina (Cain, Kalin Tsar) 1000 AC; Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) 1924 AC

According to Chinese historical sources the rulers' (shanyu) dynasty of Xiongnu (Hunnu) was a kin (tribe) - Hu (Wu Hu). Other name of this dynasty was - a Hu-En (Houyen), that translates from Chuvash - a country of the Hu.

The name of dynasty As (Æsir, Ace) - from chuvashian root word "as" (asly) - a senior, chief, the great, or the memorable. The family by name As could be from the Scythian tribe the Agathyrs, or Akazir, or from Goths, or Alans. The Ases was marked by a great growth. Ases were the main line of the Huns-Savirs rulers, Savir's ilitver (eltabar) by name Alp could belong to the dynasty As. Ilituer Alp was famous in Russia by name Svyatoghor the bogatyr (Saint Highlander the epic hero) he was the Baptist of Savirs (caucasian Huns). Alp is a main character in the Chuvash epics - a giant Ulp. In Turks - he is also a giant, by names Alpamas, Manas (chuv. Magn-As - The Great As). The other name of the As was - an Askil, and this variation - Askel, Eskel, Izgil. Chuvashian word "kil" translate as - a home, or family, therefore As-Kil - the family of As.
The main city of the Ases was - As-kardy (Asgardy), the Asgard, this was located on the site of ancient Tanais and modern Azov (Asov, Asak). Cuvashian word "karda" means - a fence, hedge; and word "kar" - a fence, guard, or fortress.
The continent Asia was named by honor of the Great ancient dynasty the As.

The dynasty Ashina is an offshoot of the family As. The name Ashina originated from name of Hunnic prince Asen Shad. The rank "shad" - a prince. The name As-En means in Chuvash - the Country of As; like as expressions: Chuvash En - the country of Chuvash, Tovan En - the native land. Therefore, at first, the Huns-Savirs (Sabirs) were loyal allies of the Khazars and their rulers Ashina (Asen). The Khazars are descended from assimilated by the Huns is a Scythian tribe Akazir (Agathyrs).

Doulo (Dulu) - the dynasty of the Bulghars (Bulgarians) and Oghurs. This dynasty initiated "barbarian" hunnish Emperor the Attila. The name Dulo comes from the Chuvash word "Tulo" - means as: full, filled, entire.

Some of the Hunnic words began with a guttural sound "h" ("hoo"), in modern Chuvash language this sound is pronounced as "v" ("woo"), for example: [Hunnish - Chuvash - English;] hunnu (hun) - wunnu (wun) - a ten; hurman - wurman - a forest; huryn - woyryn - a place; hoghur (oghur) - woghor - an ox, bull; Hunoghur (Onoghur) - Vengr (Wunghur) - Hungarians; and like that.

In the state of Bulgarians by the Danub river the dynasty Doulo was replaced to the family Wukil (Vu-kil). "Kil" by Chuvash - a home, or family; Wukil - more later version of old hunnish (xiongnu) shanyu dynasty name - a Hu (Wu), by modern Chuvash pronunciation of the ancient sound "h" to the new "w". Wukil are a descendants of the ancient family Hu (Hun) - a ten.

Wuly-hola (Wulhola) - a Valhalla, was a district of the Asgard. Asgard is located on the site of ancient city Tanais. From Chuvash: Asgardy - a fortress of Ases; Wuly-hola (Vulhola) - a town (chuv. - hola) of the clan Wu (Vanirs). Wulhola guarded young girls an Amazons - an Wuly-her (Vulhyr) - a Valkyries. "her" (hyr) - by Chuvash means - a girl.

This is the interpretation of means of the Great ancient Chuvash's (Huns) ruler dynasties - from the Great Eurasian Steppe, a dynasties as that: Hu (Wu, Houyen), Wukil, As (Askil), Ashina (Asen), Doulo (Dulu, Tulo).

The Hun Emperor Attila defeated one of the branches of the ancient Scythian or Meotian family As. They ruled a tribe of Acatzirs (Agathyrsi), who were the ancestors of the Khazars. The surviving Prince (shad) Asen fled to the East, in the Altai. His descendants created the world of Turkic peoples.
The ancient city of the Ases (Aces) was As-Karty (Tanais, Asgard) - a fortress (town) of the Ases, at now it is the town Azov by the Asow sea and Don river. Perhaps the Ases were descendants of the Persian kings Darius and Xerxes through the Bosporan sovereigns (Mithridates Eupator).

The one part of the Ases (Askils), fleeing from the wrath of Attila, went to the East into the lands of Huns the Sabirs (Savirs). Some other Ases moved to Scandinavia. This Ases became the leaders of the Scandinavians. Wild and starving Scandinavians, in this old times, idolized and deified the Ases. Ases have made a significant participation to the fighting qualities of the Scandinavians, which appeared later, also the development of economic activities, and introduced the runic writing system.
Later the Turkic runes created Alp the As (Ulp, Elteres) known in Kyrgyz as Manas. But perhaps earlier these runes was brought to Central Asia by the Hunnic prince Asen (Ashina).

open germanic runes open turkic runes open chuvash runes
Germanic & Scandinavian
Turkic (Sayan, Orkhon)
Chuvashian "kart" Runes
for cutting on sticks and logs
open🔎 open🔎 open🔎

The village Uyazybashevo (UyAsBoos') in the modern Bashkortostan founded by descendants of the Volga Bulgarian tribe Askil (Esgil, Isgil) - a dynasty the As. In the early 13th century, there were wars for the control of the Northern territories (Perm, Bjarmland) between the Russians against the Bulgars, which weakened both powers on the eve of the Mongol conquests of Genghis Khan. As a result, the Russians burned a growing town of Askils the Asial (Asel, Asli) on the right side of Volga (Atil) river. Some of the surviving Ases founded the town Chigi (the boundry) is a modern Kazan (chuv. Husan). Other Ases went to the steppe (chuv. Uy), where they survived the struggle against the Mongols.
UyAsPoos' - the state of As (Askil) in the steppe (a prairie).

Chuvash God Asladi
Chuvash Gods As-turri (Aces)

The Scandinavian title "konungr" is of Hunnish origin. As the English modern royal title "king", derived from old - koning (kuning, cuning). These definitions originated in Europe from the Hunnic title - Kan (the king), from Chuvash and Turkic lexemes kon, kun (and a kan) signifying - daylight hours or the Sun.
The Russian designations of the estate - knyaz (prince), have a similar origin. Derived from old Chuvash - Kon (Kan) the king + As (Az) the grand; konaz - the Grand king.
The Russian noble title "boyar" (boyarin) derived also from Chuvash: boy (poy) + ar; where 'boy', 'boyan' - the rich, noble; and 'ar' - the man, male. And similar Bulgarian title "boyla" originated from alike Chuvash "poyla" - a rich, too.
Perhaps the Western European noble title "baron" comes in turn from the title "boyar" (boyarin), for comparison the Russian derived term "barin" - the sir, lord.

Attila the Hun and sword Escalibur (Excalibur)

Barbarian Emperor Attila has left many progenies. One of them quite possibly could be from love affairs with Roman princess (augusta) Honoria (Justa Grata Honoria), who was the sister of Emperor Valentinian III. Attila defeated more than half of Europe for achieving her hand. But most possibly he could seeking bride for some of his sons (Ellac or Dengizich, or another).
After the death of Attila and, or his son, the secretary of Huns King by name Orestes has adopted a child of them and Honoria. Orestes by origin was from a Roman aristocratic family.
This child of Honoria was not the first, the early her child is probably was lost owing to the intrigues of her domineering mother Galla Placidia. The fate of the augusta Honoria after a their story with Attila is not known.
Orestes is probably was able to become the owner of the sword of Attila is known as a sword of the War God Mars (or Ares). This sword was lost by members of the genus As (Askil), who were a rulers of Scythian tribe Akazirs (Agathirs), is lost after their defeat by Attila. The real name of this sword was - an Askilibur - As-Kili-Bur(pur) - this by Chuvash means - the property of As family (As-kil). This sword was found by herders and presented to the Attila.
Orestes raised a descendant of Attila on the Roman throne in Ravenna. He named him Romulus Augustus, by the names of the founder of Rome and the first Emperor. But the young Emperor Romulus did not rule long times.
Commander of the Imperial guard, consisting of the Huns, the Hun Odoacer (Ot-oghur) (means by Chuv. - a fiery bull, or bullish boots) he wanted to take hold of a sword Askilibur. Odoacer overthrew a Romulus and killed Orestes. Maybe Romulus managed to escape. He went to the island of Britain and became king there. He became famous by name Uther (Uter) that by Chuvash - a horseman, or Wuter - fiery, flaming, burning. Uther defended Britain against the invasion of the Germans and Saxons (Saka, Saces), possibly sent by Odoacer.

Thereby Uther, son or grandson of Attila, became the last Emperor of Rome and the first king of Britain.

The descendants of Uther (Wuter) were the king Arthur and his sister Organa, who known by Britons as Morgan Le Fay. The name of Arthur by Chuvash means as: Ar-Tur - a Man the God. Organa - Or-Kan - the noble queen.

Where is this sword now, a sword of Attila, a sword of Mars, and sword of As dynasty (Askil, Esgil) - the sword Askilibur, most known by name a Excalibur (Escalibur), this is unknown. Probably lies at the bottom of some lake in Britain, for example Loch Ness, and there it is guarded by a dragon - Pendragon, by Chuvash a Pan-dragon - the Supreme (upper) dragon.

* At present, Shooroomboos working by creation of the novel "The sword of Attila", using this story, and also for other works (in Chuvash and Russian languages).

the historical articles >>

Amazonia in the Chuvashia

In compound of huns entered a many ethnoses of European nomads: Saces, Massagets, Scythians, Sarmatians, Sauromats and etc. Huns are an ancestors of Chuvash people. One of this ethnoses, which added in Huns, were an Amazons.

By Greek legends, the Amazons were met with some from Scythians having formed Sauromat folk. At the beginning of modern era Sauromats has got under Huns influence who moved to west. The Huns killed mens of the Sauromats, or have dispelled their to Europe. The womans, who are heiresses of amazons, became wifes of Huns. Huns created the new tribe with more patriarchal traditions. In the ethnic name "sauromat" (savromat) the Indo-european ending "mat", that meaning a feminine gender (mater, matre, muter), was disappeared. Thereof was got a hunnic tribe with name "saur" (savr) - savir, suvar (or sabir).
At first this tribe was situated on territories of modern north Kazakhstan and south of West Siberia. On east tradition this tribe was identified a Sabir. From name Sabir (Sipir) was originated the name for the whole territory of the north Asia - a Siberia.

After disinteration of the barbarian Empire of Attila, Savirs-Sabirs (Suvars) passed further in East Europe. A part of the Huns remained in Siberia, they controlled the local Uralic tribes, who subsequently become known as Magyars or Hungarians (or Savart-Askils).

On the map of the world of the medieval cartographer (map maker) by name Fra Mauro the territory of modern Chuvashia is named - Amazonia. On his maps this country located beside river - Edil, this is river Volga in ancient timeses been identified - Atil (or Itil).

map of Fra Mauro
map of the medieval cartographer Fra Mauro

Fra Mauro was by origin an Arabian - a moor (or perhaps he was from the Volga region). He created the map of a world known in that timeses - 50th years of 15th age. By the Eastern tradition, he did the map inverted viewing where North at the bottom, but South at the top. The Orient, accordingly, on the left, but West on the right side.
The Island, on which is located Amazoniya, formed two rivers, by the Fra Mauro opinion - there Volga (Edil) and river Sura is merging. In Amazonia is located two cities: Vedasuar and Chaterma. The name of town Vedasuar is translated from Chuvash as - a Small Suvar (Suar), from word "vede" - the small. Vedasuar - an ancestor modern Cheboksary. Cheboksary, by Chuvash - Shubashkar, this later name.

Ancient region of Volga river (Atil, Edil) on the map by Fra Mauro
map by Fra Mauro

map by Fra Mauro - Volga river & Kaspian sea
map by Fra Mauro - Volga river and Caspian sea

map by Fra Mauro - Amazonia
map by Fra Mauro (fragment) - Amazonia

map by Fra Mauro - Volga
the corrected view of Fra Mauro map

About city Chaterma other story.

The "man" (male) in modern Chuvash language is indicated by the word "arzyn", where "ar" - a male gender, and "zyn" - a human. The "woman" in modern Chuvash is identified by expression "heraram". This is a component word, where "her" - a girl or virgo, "aram" (ar+ama) - a married woman. In ancient timeses by the word "heraram" or "heram" ("her" + "am(a)" - a feminine gender) was identified the feminine part of house - a nomad's tent - jurt.
Womens of Bulghars (Chuvashs) called themselves by old Chuvash language by word "amazyn", in which: "ama" - a feminine gender, and "zyn" - a human.

At the beginning 10th age the khan (king) of Volga Bulghars, by name Almosh, has decided to take the Islam faith. He has probably forbidden to named womans, alongside with a mens, by use the word "zyn" - a human. Thenceforward, Bulgarian (Chuvashian) womans started to named as earlier was named the feminine part of house - a heraram (heram).
The old name "amazyn" (amazon) was forgotten.

Is possible a some time existed in Chuvashia on the right coast of river Volga the country of Amazon. The Capital city of this Amazonia was a city Chaterma from maps of Fra Mauro. The name Chaterma derives from Chuvash words: "chater" - a tent, and "ama" - a feminine gender. Thereby Chater-ama (Caterma) - the feminine tent, tent of the womans.

Chaterma (Chaterama) - a name of the city of Chuvashian womans - an Amazons.

The location place of the city Chaterama, supposedly, the modern city Ulyanovsk. This city was known by name Simbirsk earlier.
The name Simbirsk has derived from Chuvash word "Sembir" that means - the woolly linen, broadcloth. This name is formed from Chuvash words: "sem" - an wool, and "pir" (bir) - a linen, canvas.
In ancient times the nomads delivered the wools from steppes to this city. The womens, probably the Amazons, concerned by the spinning and wove the linens from wools.

Amazonia and Volga Bulgary

The Chuvash womans are a descendants and heiresses, storied and evident, of the ancient folk of the womans - an Amazons, or Amazyns.

Woman dresses of Volga Bulghars (reconstruction)

The word 'woman' in ancient Chuvash language the 'amazyn' - the Amazons, that mean as: 'ama' - a woman gender, and 'zyn' - a human.
The "arzyn" translate from Chuvash as - the man (male); 'ar' - the man gender, a gender, and 'zyn' - a human.

from Chuvash history by Shoora Shooroomboos (Shoormboos)
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